
Police Log, July 24, 2015

Major crime and incident report
Friday, July 24, 2015
12:01 p.m.: accident, YMCA of Westfield, 67 Court St., caller reported her vehicle was struck by another vehicle that left the scene; witness has the fleeing vehicle’s information;
2:24 p.m.: accident, 57 Little River Road at 6 Tow Path Lane, vehicle vs. motorcycle, no injuries;
2:48 p.m.: larceny, Washington House, 16 Washington St., resident reported bike, valued at $100, stolen, lock cut;
3:14 p.m.: fraud, Tobacco Barn, 49 Elm St., customer paid using a fraudulent $100 bill; police to review video footage of transaction;
3:39 p.m.: larceny, Elm Street, theft of video games;
4:44 p.m.: structure fire, 336-338 Elm St.; dual response;
5:47 p.m.: accident, 375 Springdale Road, minor property damage;
6:13 p.m.: medical emergency, Roberto Martinez, 18, drowned while swimming in Westfield River off Russell Road near old Sheraton Restaurant; See Monday’s Westfield News for complete story.

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