
PulseLine: Transgender Restroom Use

I have a question for Senator Humason and Representative Velis: Will you support and vote in favor of a bill that would become a law that allows a man to go into a public restroom that my wife and teenage daughters are using. I want a simple answer. I don’t want doublespeak or any lecture on discrimination. You wont change my mind. If you don’t answer in the pulseline I will disregard you from now on. The Westfield News reached out to both Rep. Velis and Sen. Humason. Unfortunately Rep. Velis is away for military duty until Monday, May 9th, which prohibits him from answering until such time. Sen. Humason responded with, “I don’t think anyone should be discriminated against, and I’m proud that Massachusetts already has strong anti-discrimination laws that currently protect all citizens.  But to answer your question, no, I do not plan to vote in favor of a bill that could allow for this to happen.”

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