
PulseLine, April 19, 2014

rail trail ramp
Hi! I took a ride down East Silver Street to check out that ramp that is being put in for the bike trail. I’m 100 percent in favor of the bike trail, but where that ramp is, it boggles the mind. Its literally going through these people’s backyards. If they’re sitting in their kitchen having coffee, they could watch the bike people go by 15 feet off their house. There is plenty of room on the other side of the railroad to put that ramp, where all the businesses are. It would be safer, too, because that is going to be a blind exit coming on to East Silver Street. And people that live on hills with dirt driveways should have the courtesy to clean up the road after a heavy rainstorm. Think about it. Thank you.

Yeah, this is on Thursday’s PulseLine, somebody writing about the politicians are no good, the President is an idiot and people getting handout. Why don’t you, sir, find out what is really going on instead of blaming the politicians for everything? You’re blaming the town for everything, blaming the mayor, how about blaming yourself? What are you doing? I bet that you eat well. I bet that you never collected unemployment. I bet you never had not much money because apparently you are the only one in this town who knows what is wrong with this country. You’re blaming the politicians and the city for everything. Why don’t you just get a life? You sound nothing but like the complainer that you are. Thank you.

It’s getting to be moose ruttin’ season so who is going to be the stupid one to shoot a moose again? An innocent moose? Who is going to be the stupidest one on the police force to shoot the moose, when they see one again?

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