
PulseLine, July 23, 2014

The new way to Pochassic Street, when you go to the light on North Elm Street to take the left on to North Elm Street, I wonder who the rocket scientist is who put up the sign “Left turn after stop on red?” Nice thought except for the monument and shrubs and concrete in the line of sight on North Elm. I had a woman pull up beside me to show me the sign because I was waiting for a green light… I told her to go if she dared, she looked and said oh, I guess that’s why people don’t go thru the light. The left turn after stop on red sign should be taken down now. I wonder who will be sued by the first person injured at this intersection because of this sign. There is a water leak on the corner of Skyline Drive and West Road. There is always water in the road in this area. I wonder if the city is waiting for this leak to cause a sinkhole. Its been very wet there for months. It’s best to contact the Westfield Water Dept. not the PulseLine.

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