
PulseLine: Water Use

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Dear Pulse Line: Recently in The Westfield News the subject of Westfield’s water ban was mentioned! One idea to solve the problem was to take water from Holyoke’s Tigue Carmondy and Ashley Reservoirs! Due to the drought both these reservoirs are also far below last spring’s water level! It would be wrong for water hungry “green lawn” people to take Holyoke’s water! The answer to Westfield’s water problem is simple water conservation! Lawns do not need to be watered each day. If you drive past Saint Mary’s Cemetery or Pine Hill Cemetery you will see that the grass has not died because of the drought! It does turn brown each July and August when we get little rain but greens up in the fall and is emerald green each May! The idea that Westfield’s homeowners waste 600,000 gallons of pure water on their lawns is just plain wrong! It is an old fashioned idea that a green lawn in the summer connotes wealth and upper class! To keep a needed reserve of water in our reservoirs and to stop dangerous toxins from entering our water supply a permanent water ban should be enacted! Water is literally our life blood and should not be wasted!

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