
To the Editor: Mental Health Month-Part 2

Hello Westfield: another departure, sorry, but this, as said, is Mental Health Month; and recently local T.V. have presented programming on the subject.  One about Group Homes and another about abuse suffered by people with disabilities.  I worked 13 years for the Dept. of Developmental Services (DDS), and 20 for vendors.  I was coerced into retiring pre-maturely due to harassment, bullying, even a physical threat and emotional abuse by co-workers.  I simply wanted my job, the other thought he knew it all with no previous experience, and no academics in the field.  Having attended many trainings and Union meetings I learned of the toxic work environments in many of the homes in Western Ma., and I was not alone in being subjected to this treatment.  And, that it has led to injury and worse to the clients we took care of.  As well, the woman I replaced committed suicide.  You would think that a Mental Health agency understands depression in their staff.  I suffered financial loss and mental health issues to include anxiety and depression.  While manageable if you have not experienced it, you don’t know how it can influence and even control what you think and do.  It even contributed to my not being re-elected, for as promises were made and not kept it just combined with what I was already experiencing, so I quit trying.  My efforts to get compensation included: Western Ma. Bar Association; who could not help, The Dept. of Health and Human Services; no response, AFSCME-Legal; no response, DDS; no response, the Attorney General’s Office; told hire a lawyer, the Governor; told: they do not get involved in private legal matters, though it is with a State Agency.  Legal Aid; no response, Reps and Senators; some without response.  But, as many of you know I am not a quitter. 


Thus phase 2:  I am looking for other employees who have been subject to these conditions to build a case that they cannot ignore.  If you worked for DMR/DDS in the Western Mass. area and you experienced this, or know that it had an adverse impact on those we supported, PLEASE contact me.  Over the years I have had many a friend in the House and Senate, and I will be calling upon them to help end the culture and environment of toxic dysfunction.  


Brian Hoose, [email protected]

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