
Town Clerk candidates selected

SOUTHWICK – The Board of Selectmen hired for two open positions in the Town Clerk’s office last night.
Five candidates recommended by Town Clerk Michelle Hill were interviewed by the board.
Following the interview process, selectmen Russell Fox and Joseph Deedy met with Hill during a brief executive session.
Selectwoman Tracy Cesan was present for the interviews but was called to a family emergency and did not vote. She did write down her top three candidates before excusing herself.
Lisa Davidson and Melissa Barnes were the top candidates selected, with Jeremy Daigneault named a third candidate.
“There are two positions but we’re naming three people in case there is a problem with one of the first two,” said Fox. “Michelle Hill’s office needs to get them up and running.”
Rosemary Barnett and Stephanie Woodard also were interviewed.
Each candidate was asked the same set of five questions.
Davidson has worked for Big Y for 22 years and said customer service is a priority. When asked how she would handle helping a difficult customer, Davidson said first she would remain calm.
“You have to always stay calm, because if you’re calm, you’re better able to keep them calm,” Davidson said.
The board asked Davidson about a time she was a team player. She said at Big Y, everyone pitches in.
“If it’s busy you do whatever has to be done,” she said. “If I’m in the safe, I will ring or do whatever needs to be done.”
Asked where she sees herself in five years, Davidson replied “hopefully working here.”
When asked about the difference between public and private jobs, Barnes said in many areas, there was no difference, but there were “big differences” in others.
Barnes spoke about confidentiality being paramount in both the public and private sectors
Barnes told the board that when dealing with a difficult customer the first thing to do is calm them down.
“Then you can find out what the issue is and solve it,” she said.
When asked where she sees herself in five years, Barnes said she hopes to be in a work environment where she could stay until retirement.
“I’ve been where I am for nine years and I’m looking somewhere I am comfortable and opportunities to move up,” she said.
Barnes, who has a background in banking, said she has many years of customer service experience, as well as a college degree, to bring to the position.

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