
Southwick Conservation Commission plans site visits for wetland areas

WESTFIE­LD ­­­­– The Southwick Conservation Commission discussed key issues on Monday night regarding surrounding wetland areas throughout the community.

Chairperson Christopher Pratt, Coordinator Dennis Clark, and the rest of the committee decided to visit two separate sites on Wednesday June 8th.

As several plans are brought to the committee, Pratt emphasized how important it is for the committee to see the proposals in person.

“If we have a hard time understanding what the plan looks like and what the intent is, it’s good for us to go out and look at those sites,” said Pratt. “We can get a better picture and understanding of what the owner is trying to do with the land.”

The committee looked at a continued proposal on the property of 152 Berkshire Avenue that included vista pruning and tree removal around the buffer area of Middle Pond.

Pratt touched on the main objective of this particular project.

“Around the lake, we want to make sure that were preserving some habitat,” said Pratt.

Southwick Conservation Commission, June 6, 2016

Southwick Conservation Commission, June 6, 2016

The committee agreed to do a site visit on Wednesday, approving the plan on the conditions that only the trees marked by the commissioners will be cut.

Pratt and the rest of the members also discussed a wetland issue on 54 North Road. Resident of the home, Norm Cass, was looking to refill an old farm pond using pipes.

With over five acres of property and three different brooks that go into the town water source, the committee also plans on a site visit on Wednesday to check out the pond.

The Conservation Commission wants to discover the situation with the water source.

“We’re not really sure where the water is coming from,” said Pratt. “We have to make sure that there is no impact to existing wetlands, and that we’re not taking water away from one area to put into an area that shouldn’t have water.”

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