WESTFIELD – The Westfield Cultural Council (WCC) has announced the 2017 community grants application cycle is now open. Nearly $20,000 is available for creative programs, projects, and organizations located within city limits.
Artists, arts-and-humanities based non-profits, and municipal groups such as schools are invited to apply for up to $5,000 in grant funding. The online application is simple, asking applicants for basic budget information and the scope of the project. Applications were made available online on September 1 and are due by end of day on Monday, October 16, 2017, and may be found at www.mass-culture.org/westfield.
“We’re really looking for a way to continue to build the cultural identity for Westfield. In recent years especially, our arts and culture has increased with so many new events, and we are so glad to have been a part of it,” said WCC chair Amy Tosi. “We’re not looking for anything specific, but we are looking for large impact projects that best serve a large group of our residents,” she added.
WCC funding priorities are for quality community-wide programs, and collaborative projects between cultural groups and community organizations. All events must take place in Westfield.
Under the guidelines, the WCC emphasizes its commitment to bringing new cultural events to the city and states that, realizing other local support may be difficult to secure for an untried event, the WCC may fully fund an event in the first year. However, to best leverage the funds provided by the state, the WCC encourages organizations to apply for partial funding for subsequent years, while finding other sources of financial support.
First priority is given to grants written by organizations. Grants written by artists and supported by organizations will be considered when (and only when) the event has a definite venue and date. Those applicants seeking grant funds over $800, or first-time applicants, may also be asked to attend a WCC Meeting. Applications for field trips will not be considered.
Last year, the council awarded nearly $20,000 in grants to support community-wide programming in a range of creative fields.
Alicia Hansen (Arts), Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum 1st Annual Open, $400
Bob Plasse for Westfield on Weekends, (Arts), The WOW Winter Cabaret Series, $3,000
Bob Plasse for Westfield on Weekends, (Arts), WOW/Westfield Creative Arts Marketing, $3,000
Bob Plasse for Westfield on Weekends, (Arts), Lanternlight Parade and Workshop, $800
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield, (Arts), After School Fine & Performing Arts, $1,490
Denis Cormier / Hands on History, (Humanities), The American Revolution, $800
Episcopal Church of the Atonement – Westfield Farmers’ Market, (Arts), Music at the Market, $2,135
First Congregational Church, (Arts), Community Carol Festival, $300
Fort Meadow Early Childhood Center, (Arts), From Page To Stage – Favorites from children’s lit, $620
Greater Westfield Choral Association, Inc., (Arts), Spring Choral Concert, $1,000
Henderson, Steve, (Arts), Mabel and Jerry – a play, $450
Kimberly Chisholm-Godshalk, (Science), Rainforest Reptiles Show, $975
Kimberly Chisholm-Godshalk, (Humanities), Contact Period, $300
MUSIC Dance.edu, (Arts), From JAZZ to Hip Hop, $400
Novi Cantori of Greater Springfield, (Arts), Home for the Holidays, $500
Sawyer, Thomas, (Arts), Open Air/Open Mic Series, $1,000
Southampton Road School, (Arts), Berkshire Hills Music Academy Performance Troupe, $700
Western Hampden Historical Society, (Arts), First Ladies-Part I, $250
Westfield Athenaeum, (Humanities), Family Yoga, $510
Westfield Athenaeum, (Arts), Tom McCabe Writing and Storytelling, $300
Young Singers of Greater Westfield, (Arts), Young Singers of Greater Westfield Concert Series, $1,000
Dependent upon the state allocation, the new cycle of grants will be awarded in the autumn of 2017, after the application deadline closes. Individuals, nonprofits, unincorporated organizations, public schools and religious organizations are invited to apply for funds to assist in producing or continuing arts, humanities or science-centered programs that take place in Westfield.
The WCC is a commission appointed by the city to grant money allocated annually by the Massachusetts Cultural Center, to nurture the creative community and encourage economic growth through the arts and humanities locally. Each municipality across the state is allocated grant money by the MCC to distribute as they see fit.