
$23M level-service school budget weighed

SOUTHWICK – A $23,358,168 Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School district Fiscal Year 2015 budget was presented to the School Committee this week.
Superintendent John Barry and Business Manager Stephen Presnal made the presentation Tuesday and said it is essentially a level service budget.
“It is 2.15 percent higher than the current budget, but it is a modest increase,” said Barry.
Barry said the budget is “98 percent level service” and added that in order to maintain that level, cuts will be made.
“No teachers will be cut,” Barry stressed.
Although the budget continues to be a moving target because state allocations are not final, Presnal and Barry were confident that any changes would not affect services.
“The good news for parents and students is that they are going to see the same services we have in place this year,” said Barry.
Gov. Deval Patrick’s “House I” numbers were used in the budget, however the House Ways and Means Committee is reviewing it and he numbers could change again.
“We’re hoping the state numbers, as they change, will help us a little bit,” Barry said.
The budget presented maintains current class sizes, current educational programs, commitment to special education students, participation in the Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative, and includes debt service payments for initial long term financing of district share of building project costs.
The PowerPoint presentation included primary characteristics of the proposal such as Chapter 70 aid is leveling off, incorporates state target share increases, and minor staffing reductions likely for the first time in several years.
School Committee Chairman James Vincent said all three towns in the regional district were considered in the budget.
“We tried to make it fair to the taxpayers,” said Vincent. “We met with the selectmen and finance committees of all three towns and I think this budget is acceptable for all.”
Vincent said it is difficult to create a budget when state funds are not final, but they do their best to predict the numbers.
The budget presented this week is not quite balanced. Vincent said the $108,000 deficit would be worked on in the next few weeks.
“We have to present a final budget April 1 to the town and it has to be balanced,” said Vincent.
The committee will take up the budget again March 18.

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