
Fast-moving fire burns down barn, kills calves

WESTFIELD – A fast-moving fire that started around noon Thursday destroyed a barn and killed livestock.
The fire broke out at the Phelon Farm, on 227 Pochassic Road, and the barn was fully engulfed by the time firefighters arrived, said Westfield Fire Deputy Chief Mark Devine.
The barn was “down before we got here,” said Devine.
Firefighters were still on scene an hour later knocking down hotspots and protecting the perimeter.
“So far, two calves were killed,” Devine said, “and one calf is believed to have gotten out.”
When asked whether he knew what happened, one of the property owners said, “no” and didn’t want to provide further information.
Fire 6
Westfield Fire Deputy Chief Patrick Egloff said he was uncertain of the fire’s cause and called for the State Fire Marshal to help with the investigation.
Westfield Gas & Electric were on scene and cut the wires which had provided electricity to the barn.

Barnes Air Force Base sent a tanker to assist with the fire, according to police records. Firefighters remained on the scene until 4 p.m. Thursday.

Another property owner, an older woman was sitting on the porch was visibly upset, with a cat dutifully staying by her side.

As of Friday morning, investigators have been unable to determine a cause of the blaze, according to Westfield Police Capt. Michael McCabe.

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