
Police Log, July 8, 2015

Major crime and incident report
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
12:16 a.m.:
burglary/breaking and entering, Parker Ave., resident returned from vacation and found his home had been broken into; door had been forced open and various electronics stolen, including television and gaming systems; under investigation;
12:52 a.m.: medical emergency, 26 year old woman, possible heroin overdose; caller used Narcan to partially revive victim before police arrived; victim transported to Noble Hospital;
10:17 a.m.: larceny, victim reported leaving wallet on chair in Noble Hospital Emergency room, and a woman took it; charges filed via criminal complaint;
10:27 a.m.: burglary/breaking and entering, Cenveo, 70 Turnpike Industrial Road, empty building broken into and vandalized within past week; suspect fired off the fire extinguishers in one of the warehouses and threw rocks at some of the lights, breaking them;
11:43 a.m.: accident, 103 N. Elm St., woman riding bicycle struck vehicle; victim transported to Noble Hospital with minor injuries;
12:01 p.m.: shoplifting, Big Y Supermarket, 1 E. Silver St., Steven J. Nikiel, 39, of no known address, was arrested and charged with shoplifting by asportation for stealing steaks valued at about $30;
4:36 p.m.: warrant service, arrest of Josue A. Rios, 26, of 46 W. School St., Apt. 1st Floor, arrested for having three active warrants.

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