WESTFIELD – After an absence of close to 30 years, a unique program for young men will once again flourish under the auspices of Mount Moriah Lodge AF & AM and the Mount Orthodox Masonic Lodge AF & AM on Broad Street.
A spaghetti dinner fundraiser is slated Oct. 17 from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. at the Masonic building to introduce the Tekoa Chapter of DeMolay to the Greater Westfield area. Currently, the closest DeMolay chapter is located in Worcester.
Melvyn Hook, a “Chapter Dad” and senior warden of the lodge, explained that the Order of DeMolay is an organization dedicated to teaching leadership skills and building character in young men. When the name of the chapter was chosen, Hook noted Tekoa comes from Tekoa Mountain between Westfield and Russell. Additionally, Tekoa is originally the name of an ancient town in Judea, 12 miles south of Jerusalem.
“DeMolay works with young men to prepare them for adulthood,” said Hook. “We are advisers who will create a safe environment where they can learn basic life skills.”
Hook, along with Jonathan Flagg, recently completed adviser training and are now eager to share their enthusiasm about the organization with others.
“As a Masonic fraternity, we have so much to offer young men and their families,” said Hook.
Following the open seating dinner, an introduction to the chapter is planned at 6 p.m., as well as a presentation by the Massachusetts DeMolay state officers. Additionally, the Worcester chapter will perform the “Ceremony of Light” and the beloved “Flower Talk.” Tickets are $8 at the door for both the dinner and presentation and those interested in the chapter are welcome to attend.
Both men noted that every DeMolay member is treated with dignity and respect and discrimination is not tolerated. Membership is open to young men ages 12 to 21 of good character and reputation, who believe in God or a Supreme Being, and who pass a ballot of the members.
The Order of DeMolay is fashioned after the band of brothers of Jacques DeMolay, a Knight of the Crusades in the 14th century. DeMolay was known for his loyalty to his comrades, the honor of his word, and the courage of his convictions.
Today, DeMolay members agree to live by seven core values: love and respect of parents, respect for others’ beliefs, courtesy to all, comradeship, fidelity (loyalty), cleanness in thought, word, and deed, and patriotism.
The Tekoa chapter will meet the first and third Fridays of each month, except during July and August, at 7 p.m. The first Friday of each month will be a formal business meeting and the third Friday session will be a “fun night.”
Sponsors, parents and guardians may become involved by assisting the chapter advisers. There will be two advisers assigned for every five young men in the chapter.
“No child will ever be one-on-one with an adult,” said Hook.
“When you walk through the door, you are all equal,” said Donna Isbelle, an advisory committee member. “Young men will learn acceptance and how to all get along well together.”
Flagg said that young men interested in having a great time, learning leadership skills and increasing one’s civic awareness are encouraged to seek out membership.
“Some young men might be more apt to talk to us rather than his parents,” said Flagg. “Part of our training involved learning how to talk to kids since the lingo is different from when we grew up.”
While some young men might be satisfied with their daily routines, DeMolay programs promise that members will develop excellent character traits and learn personal responsibility.
“Young men will learn tolerance and the older members will help out the younger members,” said Hook. “The advisers will also be tasked to find the learning style that fits each young man.”
“Young men in DeMolay take the lead,” added Flagg. “As advisers we are there to keep them safe and create balanced programs that include service activities, leadership training and participating in ceremonies that builds confidence in public speaking.”
For membership applications and more information, contact Flagg at (413) 374-4773 or Hook at (413) 301-3293. Registration information will also be available at the spaghetti dinner. The DeMolay International lifetime membership cost is $45.
“Young men will create friendships that will last a lifetime,” said Hook. “Parents who are looking for programs for their sons that include a broad range of activities, character development, and social interactions are encouraged to consider this chapter.”
DeMolay chapter reintroduced to city
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