
PulseLine, February 24, 2016

RE: Re; Adam Cotugno (yet another young person from your community that succumbed to a heroin overdose due to addiction)
W-O-W you guys really missed an opportunity to bring to light the scourge called addiction. Instead you chose to vilify a young man who, by any other impression, was an upcoming young adult with so much promise in his future. He indeed would have realized all of his dreams had not been for this insidious disease better known as addiction. And your lack of compassion in addressing it is yet another vivid example of why these kids are dying. Did you even bother to check out this kid? I don’t even know him and yet with simply a couple of clicks of the mouse…I found and saw a young man who had a great sense of humor, was devoted to his family and was obviously in love with a beautiful girl.
Does this look (links above) like the face of a terrible person? Does this look like the face of an addict? An addict these days is you and me. It’s my sister, your brother, your sister, your cousin. Yet instead of addressing the issue of accessible, affordable mental health care to help save these young kids you chose to paint a voyeuristic picture that would lure the common reader instead of inspiring thoughtful conversation on how can we help these kids. Shame on you. You suck! I hope you’re proud of yourselves. Heaven help you if this insidious disease ever touches your family. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. This vivacious young man had a future that was cut short and he had many friends and family who loved him dearly. A paper who does nothing to help its community, in my book, is not a paper but a rag. Touche’! Job well done!
To Adam’s family and friends…I’m deeply sorry for your loss.

We the people are fed up with the lies and deceit of the greedy politicians who think more of themselves than the people they represent. They are a group of self-righteous individuals who capitalize on every opportunity to benefit themselves. Our voice is being heard loud and clear. Politicians, you will mistreat us no more. We will elect a person who is not a politician and cannot be bought. One who is on a mission to take this country back and restore the greatness that it once had. We will elect a one Donald J. Trump. And so it shall be.

In regards to last Saturday’s letter to the editor about the Wyle program and the Airport Noise Mitigation, we also are Seniors and live on Dry Bridge Rd. Because of the high decibel area we live in we had the choice to either be bought out, have our house soundproofed or do nothing. We chose to soundproof the house and NO One tried to persuade us which way to go. Wyle did a good job and our neighborhood is not blighted it’s now a lovely country setting.

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