Happy Saturday Westfield! Hope you all had a fantastic week.
Last night marked the deadline for seasonably filed bills. I am proud to report that I have filed 24 bills for this session, including 16 brand new bills. Now begins the two-week period where legislators can choose which bills to co-sponsor before hearings and formal votes start to take place. Of course, if there are any bills you would like me to co-sponsor, I would love to hear from you at [email protected].
One bill that I have already chosen to co-sponsor is the hands-free act that would prohibit drivers from using their cell phones while driving,unless they have a hands-free device. Like most people, I often take calls on my cell phone while driving. In this day and age, it’s almost unavoidable. However, like most people, I’ve had one too many close calls while talking on my phone. Believe it or not, Massachusetts is far behind the curve when it comes to this issue- New York and Connecticut both banned holding cell phones while driving years ago. We’ve already banned texting and driving. Now, it’s time to take it to the next step to ensure that we are all safe while on the road. The convenience of talking on the go is not worth the risk, and I hope that you will join me in the effort.
As I mentioned, as of last night, I have filed 24 bills. Among them are several bills related to veterans and their families, including a bill that officially adds definitions for “gold star parent” and “gold star spouse” to the Massachusetts General Laws, and a bill that would officially recognize the Honor and Remember flag in the Commonwealth. The Honor and Remember flag is a national symbol of the loss of over a million soldiers who have given their lives since the American Revolution. I believe it is especially important that we remember their sacrifice and I am proud to have filed legislation on behalf of the Honor and Remember Massachusetts Chapter. If passed, the flag would be flown everyday over the state veterans’ cemeteries in the Commonwealth, as well as over the Statehouse, Trial Courts, and Municipal Buildings on certain holidays as a reminder of those we’ve lost.
As always, please feel free to reach out to my office with any questions, comments or concerns. I will be keeping all of you updated on other bills that I have filed in the coming weeks, but if you are curious, you can find a list of bills that I, and every other legislator, have filed at malegislature.gov. ‘Til next week, Westfield!