This week saw the Westfield Municipal Light Board raise their annual In Lieu of Taxes (ILOT) payment to the City. The Commission agreed to pass on to the City $621,400 (and with the deduction for the costs for traffic lights brought out), the City will receive $561,400. It was an ideal way for the Westfield Gas &Electric Board to show their continuing desire to work in partnership with the City. I’d like to thank all the Commissioners (and General Manager Dan Howard) for supporting the City through this vote.
At this past week’s, City Council Meeting Councilor Dan Allie proposed an amendment to our Zoning Laws that is brilliant in its practical approach to abutter notifications in Zone Change requests. Currently, residents or businesses or even the City may put forth a request for a zone change without any notification to neighbors. Councilor Allie’s proposal required that all abutters who lie within 300 feet of the lot line of the proposed zone change location be notified of a pending zone change. It is a well needed change inour Zoning Law and I applaud Dan Allie for this plan.
Once a month we at City council receive a tally of the Fund balances in critical accounts. This is our most recent balance sheet indicating some of the Funds available as of May 4, 2017:
Stabilization FUND $6,980,495
OBEB Liability $ 300.000
Reserve for Unforeseen $ 53,300
Certified Free Cash $1,081,802
Water-Retained earnings $ 832,069
SWWT $ 111,406
Storm water Undesignated $ 225,026
Reserve for Infiltration and Inflow $ 107,632
Ambulance Receipts $ 700,316
Towing and Storage Fund $ 31,916
Receipts Reserved for Conservation $ 494,241
Unfunded Liability Retirement $84,293,474
Unfunded Liability OBEB $230,163,640
Constituent Services are the cornerstone of our mandate as City Councilors. We are legislators and we do our share of creating and amending ordinances. Just as crucial, however, is the most important responsibility we hold to respond to our residents’ concerns. In an average week I hear from a half a dozen residents with questions and issues. The topics are usually pot holes, tree limbs down, infrastructure complaints, concerns regarding sweeping or trash pick-up and on a larger scale, budgetary issues. I watch out for my Ward, as do all Ward Councilors but also, because what is good for one section of Westfield is good for all, I am concerned with the entire City. Council recently had before us and vote concerning a 50-acre parcel on Cabot Road that would affect many residents. As Councilors, we try and balance the needs and wants of very citizen with the needs and wants of our entire community. This is often not easy to do but it is critical that we listen to all concerned citizens before making our decision. Councilor’s contact information is on our City’s web site and I hope that residents will contact their Councilors when they have questions or concerns.
Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable Month of May.
Mary O’Connell
Ward Four