Today (August 28) marked the return of staff to the Gateway School District and consisted of a number of activities to prepare for the beginning of the school year. In addition to the many mandated activities (education on bullying, using an EpiPen, network responsibility, acceptable use of electronic devices, state ethics, and evaluation) the staff also heard from several individuals.
Michele Crane, Chair of the School Committee, shared the committee’s support for educating the whole child, developing 21st Century skills, and for our staff who continue to do so much to support a complete education for our children. Michele also shared some of the committee’s frustration with the lack of an approved budget but was hopeful that implementing suggestions by the MARS study group around a shared budget development process and a facilitated discussion of larger budgetary issues—including long term capital planning—that the next budget would be one that all of the towns will support at the first annual town meetings.
We also introduced new staff and welcomed back our returning staff. I also expressed appreciation for the wonderful work our custodians, maintenance staff, secretaries and cafeteria staff did to prepare for the beginning of school. This work is evident throughout the district on many levels and is so important for having a good start to the school year. I also echoed Michele’s comments regarding the positive staff that the district has, the support evidenced by the school committee for an exemplary student education, and the number of items from the MARS study group that have already been reviewed and implemented across many different areas. These include aspects of the physical plant (including the renovated courtyard), support for enhanced teacher leadership, making the district/school improvement plans more user friendly and understandable, asking the towns to appoint representatives for the FY’19 budget development process, and looking towards the future in a manner that supports the MARS findings that the district is well run, efficient, cost conscious, and high performing in a multitude of areas for both students and staff.
The staff was also updated by local and state police on safety planning and some positive changes coming that will be implemented throughout the year that will keep Gateway on the leading edge of school safety and innovation. We were also treated to a safety presentation that was very relevant and based loosely on the “Cat in the Hat” story (our thanks to Joyce Hanousek for making a dry presentation both interesting and informative).
Once again our administrative and maintenance staff manned the grill and, with assistance from our food services staff, served up a great luncheon. I also thank our food service staff for a wonderful breakfast treat for all staff and for helping to make the first hour of social interaction such a positive start to the day.
It is certainly refreshing to see all of our staff eager to be back, anxious to get started working with our students, and looking forward to meeting the needs of our students at every level. Given such a positive first day for staff, I’m sure that this coming year will be one measured by success in the classroom, in athletics, in student activities, in the performing arts, and across the many other aspects that make up the education of the whole child.