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Ugh. It’s that time of year when our local politicians litter our beautiful city with their silly lawn signs. Every politician will tell you that signs don’t vote so there really is no reason for them and, while I know it’s a pipe dream, I wish we could pass an ordinance eliminating political signs. Can we look into a ballot question next time around to have the people make this decision because we know no politician in their right mind would propose it.

I know the PulseLine likes to keep things local and while this may not be “local’ it is newsy and I hope you print it. Like most of you this weekend I watched a lot of news of hurricane Irma hitting Florida. I flipped from one news network to the next and was amazed at the panic some news organizations were trying to instill in people. Then I get to the CBS coverage and these men and women were calm, cool and collected reporting the facts. No screaming at me that people of Florida were facing imminent death and their property destroyed. It’s a major hurricane and for days leading up to it everyone was warned that this is serious.

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