Hello Ward 3, and all of Westfield…First of all I want to thank Mayor Sullivan, and Rep. Velis for their support for our Marine Corps Center. Their OUT OF POCKET contribution is outstanding. I wish more good citizen gave out of pocket, or just pitched in to help. It would save tax money, get things done how we want them done, and not done by cookie cutter in Boston. Also, quit whining about the pot holes. No one likes them but let reality strike you: DPW cannot do anything until we have a warmer and drier stretch of weather. Or, contact you Councilor and tell them to increase the DPW budget to hire more people, buy more equipment, etc. Also you are not alone, many streets are in rough shape, here and throughout the region.
Speaking of Rep. Velis, and let’s add in Sen. Humasson; there is a bill in the State House regarding banning the drowning of pets, and other cruelties to animals; PLEASE, contact them and tell them to support that legislation. If you do not want an animal there are places to have it sent. You know my caring for my animals, I did not kn0ow that such an uncivilized allowance cold even exist. Say no more, by saying yes to that bill to stop this horrific behavior.
Next, I was so pleased to see our students make a stand for civil and civic responsibility by giving 17 minutes of support their peers in Parkside, Fla. And, again, it is about time that, We, the People restore being responsible citizens. Governance is our single most important responsibility. We forever hear Government!!! (in the negative), well we are the government. While not micro-managers, we are still liable for all that it does and does not do. We complain, while we sit on our duffs and do nothing but complain and blame. We allowed this dysfunction to exist when we could be doing something responsible, like being fact educated, informed, and involved. We have allowed ourselves to be used. Having been involved in public affairs since 13, I do not say trust government, I know better, and no one ever has. Old cliché: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. From local scams, as when in California to be told my mother and I were chattel, and the only Rights we had were to leave an abusive/alcoholic step father was to leave with what we could carry. Then, not being able to learn if I was accepted into a local college a week ahead of time: thus drafted; then to be told that due to Eastern European Pen Pals, and bad eyesight; I should never had been drafted, but too late now. When involved in both Civil Rights, anti-poverty, and anti-war with the Vietnam Veterans Against the War noting to those present that government agents may be present, so chose what you are going to say carefully. To, after exposing a bit of corruption at another State College, reaping their vendetta that set me back for years; to most recently being coerced into pre-mature retirement from a State agency and having NO ONE I had ever helped, to help me. I should be a whole lot more angry than so many just don’t like the legislation passed, or the cost of it. But, I knew that the only way to have an impact was by being involved, knowledgeable, and associated with others to use our civil authority, and our voices in the streets and in the media to have a positive effect. I wonder why when I have so few resources, was able to effect it, and why those with so much more don’t even try? Civic Sermon over…Oh, students remember that while you cannot vote, you can get others to register, and vote for our American based foundational principles of Moral Civil Authority.
So, again, the March For Our Lives on SATURDAY, MARCH 24; 12:00 NOON, Springfield, on Court St., by City Hall, and same time at Northampton High School, PLEASE SHOW UP. Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose, [email protected]