HOLYOKE-The Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts is once again seeking nominations for its ToGetHerThere Awards which recognizes champions for the next generation of female leaders.
The awards program offers businesses and organizations an opportunity to honor a difference maker from within its ranks who has shown exceptional achievement in their profession, is an inspiration to their co-workers and young women and have made contributions to their communities.
The nominated person must signify role model behavior in their professional career and represent the Girl Scout’s mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
The winners will be honored at a luncheon on Nov. 2 at the MGM Springfield. The nomination deadline is Sept. 1.
Nomination forms and requirements can be found at the Girl Scout website, www.gscwm.org or by calling Melanie Bonsu at (413) 584-2602, ext. 3623, or via email to [email protected].
Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of business, community and civic leaders who will then select the honorees.
The organization serves more than 8,000 girls in grades K through 12 with support of 3,800 volunteers in 186 towns and cities in central and western Massachusetts.