
Westfield Senior Citizen Property Tax Work-Off Applications Available

Council on Aging Executive Director Tina Gorman (WNG File Photo)

WESTFIELD – Council On Aging Executive Director Tina Gorman has announced that applications are now available for residents eligible for Westfield’s Senior Citizen Property Tax Work-Off Program.

The program is limited to one $500 work-off per household annually. Applicants must be the property owner of record or spouse, a resident of Westfield, 60 years of age or older, and willing to work approximately two hours per week from October through June. Income eligibility guidelines are $36,420 for a single household and $49,380 for a couple, including Social Security income.

Volunteer opportunities include working in the public schools as greeters, library assistants, or reading tutors; clerical work within the offices of various City departments; and staff assistance at the Animal Shelter. Placement at a particular site will be determined by matching the skills, talents, and interests of the applicant with the requests of the various City departments.

Gorman said there are 40 slots available in the program. Volunteers work 43 hours starting in October through the end of June, which she said amounts to a couple of hours a week over seven months. The hours are credited at the minimum wage of $11/hour until January 1, when they will be credited at the new minimum wage of $12/hour. Gorman said when she first started the program 12 years ago, 62 volunteer hours were required for the $500 tax work off.

Half of the tax work off for this coming cycle will be credited on the January, 2020 tax bill, and the other half in April of 2020. Gorman said there have been instances when a health or other issue prevents a volunteer from completing the hours. She said at the end of June, the benefit will be prorated for whatever hours have been completed.

Anyone interested in obtaining an application, should contact Tina Gorman at the Council On Aging to make an appointment to meet with her, or to request an application by mail. The three-part application includes an agreement and volunteer job descriptions. Gorman said when people fill them out, they can check off where they would like to volunteer.

Gorman interviews every applicant to find out what their skills and interests are. Applicants must also complete an updated CORI check, and provide their income tax returns. She said she has slots for everybody, but they may not get their first choice in assignment. The vast majority of the volunteer assignments are in the schools, she said.

Completed applications, along with all required documentation, must be submitted in person to Tina Gorman by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 27, 2018. No applications will be accepted after that date. The selection of participants will be by lottery and priority will be given to those who have not yet participated in the program. For an application packet or additional information, contact Tina Gorman at the Council On Aging at 562-6435.

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