Major crime and incident report
Saturday, May 4, 2019
5:01 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer reports a routine check of a registration number revealed the vehicle’s registration had been revoked for lack of insurance, the vehicle was stopped and the operator was found to be the subject of an active warrant issued in 2017 by the Belchertown district court, a citation was issued, the registration plates were seized, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard and Hasani Enrique Rivera Kuilan, 31, of 185 Arcade St., Apt. 1st, Chicopee, was arrested on the warrant;
5:45 p.m.: disturbance, Oaks Trailer Park, 404 Southwick Road, a caller reports her husband was assaulted by a neighbor, the responding officer reports none of the involved parties wish to pursue criminal charges;
9:35 p.m.: disturbance Mill Street at Hassler Street, a caller reports hearing persons fighting outside and believes youths are slashing automobile tires, the responding officer reports he determined there to have been an altercation between youths, one male party was found have gone (with a videographer) to confront another youth and a physical altercation developed, no charges have been filed but the incident remains under investigation;
9:46 p.m.: fire, Southwick Road, a caller reports a brush fire, the responding firefighters report they found no fire but a resident said that he had been cooking outside and had left the coals to burn out, the resident doused the smoldering coals;
10:50 p.m.: disturbance, Lincoln Street, a caller reports a college related disturbance, the three responding officers report peace was restored;
10:57 p.m.: disturbance, Ethan Avenue, a caller requests an officer to remove a family member who is intoxicated and belligerent, the person was placed in protective custody and the officer provided another party a courtesy transport to a Buschmann Avenue address;
11:43 p.m.: disturbance, Maple Street, a caller reports a college related disturbance, the three responding officers report a city ordinance violation citation was issued.