
Community leaders say ‘Hello’ at Southampton Road school

Mayor Brian P. Sullivan says hello to Avery Roux, Connor Slavin, and Anthony Ortiz. (Photo by Amy Porter)

WESTFIELD – This week and next, students at Southampton Road Elementary School are being greeted as they arrive to school by Mayor Brian P. Sullivan, state Sen. Donald F. Humason, Jr., Police Chief Lawrence Valliere and his officers, Fire Chief Patrick Egloff, Barnes Airport Manager Eric Billowitz and Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski.

They were all asked by the school to participate in “Just Say Hello,” one of their positive behavior (PBIS) strategies to show students that sometimes just a simple greeting can brighten someone’s day.
It definitely was true for Mayor Sullivan on Tuesday morning, after he high-fived the students getting off of the bus. “I got three hugs to start my day,” Sullivan said.
“It’s a great way to start the day,” said Assistant Principal Jennifer Roux. She said the staff also thought it was important to let the students know that there are a lot of adults who care about them.
Roux said all of the visitors get three bright yellow “hellos” on a stick, to give to a child to pass on to other children.
She said one little girl who had heard the mayor was coming, went up to him, shook his hand and introduced herself. “He gave her the `hello’,” Roux said.

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