Westfield Newsroom

Police Log Sunday, March 22, 2020

Major crime and incident report
Sunday, March 22, 2020


10:50 p.m.: breaking and entering, Collins Street, a caller reports he returned home to find a window open and property missing, the responding officer reports the complainant said that window which had been slightly open when he left was found to have been fully opened, the residence was found to be in disarray, a computer game system and cash was found to have been stolen.



9:45 a.m.: service call, Depot Street, police responded to the sale of an unregistered dirt bike, the subjects were selling the bike in the parking lot in front of the police station, which police said was allowed, however the buyer rode the bike through the parking lot without a helmet, which an officer advised was not allowed.
10:37 a.m.: recreational violation, Depot Street to Congamond Road, a caller reports two dirt bikes on the rail trail, the suspects were gone on police arrival.
10:41 a.m.: harassing calls, Depot Street, a caller reports receiving harassing calls and texts from a known party, an officer returned the call and left a message for the person to contact the police.
3:22 p.m.: officer wanted, Rail Trail, a man and his son report they were riding bikes on the rail trail when two cyclists passed them and shouted profanities, a search found no cyclists matching their description.
4:56 p.m.: fire, Woodside Circle, a caller reports a person yelling about a fire, the Southwick Fire Department reports it was an attended fire in the back yard where a Christmas tree being burned flared up and the fire was contained.

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