
Councilor Sullivan: Update

It has been a few months since I have supplied an article to the Westfield News. I tend to write when I can bring something new to the community.
I attended the meeting of the Western Avenue residents at Highland Elemetary School and wanted to thank everyone who put this presentation on. It was the first good opportunity to see what is being proposed and to hear concerns of the residents who will be most affected during and more importantly after the project’s progression. I heard how surprised people were at seeing so many people show up for this type of meeting. I personally, was not surprised at this at all because I know how many families are lifelong residents of Western Avenue, Granville Road including all side streets and how important their neighborhood is to them. I can’t name everyone, however, it starts at Noble Hospital goes by Pine Hill Cemetery past Highland Elementary School on to neighborhoods that lead up to and past Stanley Park, The University, Juniper Park School and ends at Bates Road.
I know the professional engineers have the best interest of everyone at heart and I hope they heard the same simple message that I heard loud and clear, help with the speed and congestion issues that have become so severe in the last few years. People will accept inconvenience while their street is torn up and understand utilities need updating, but if the end product doesn’t alleviate the simple transportation needs then it won’t be a successful project. Many residents have some great and inexpensive ideas, much of it utilizing Route 20 to a greater extent and I hope they have the opportunity to relay their concerns again at another open forum. The project hasn’t reached its 25 percent completion phase and that is a critical stage that should include some changes to the proposed completed project. And who better, I believe, to be sitting at the drawing board than the people whose front doors open up to Western Avenue.
To shift gears a little, I wanted to congratulate all three of our local high schools for the successful fall sports season each one had. It is getting routine but never tiring to see gymnastics win it all. I wanted to give a shout out to some of the lesser publicized sports like volleyball, golf, and cross- country, especially the three boys who had such historical years at Westfield High. Of course, I can’t leave out football, boys’ and girls’ soccer or varsity and jv field hockey. If you haven’t had a chance to catch a local game lately, take the time and to go to any of our schools home games, the price is right and the enthusiasm is contagious.
Staying on the high school sports scene, I will close with announcing a great opportunity to see and more importantly hear one of Westfield’s musical success stories. Deirdre Reilly will be performing live to help raise money for this year’s Bombers Ice Hockey team on December 20th at 7:00p.m.Deirdre will bring her professional talents to the East Mountain Country Club. For ticket information please contact Eileen at 413-562-6989.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not the staff, editor, or publisher of the Westfield News.

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