
Expert Fitness improving technology, health

Jim Sabatino, one of the spinning instructors at Expert Fitness

Jim Sabatino, one of the spinning instructors at Expert Fitness

WESTFIELD – Upon setting foot in Expert Fitness’ East Main Street location, one will now come across a new arsenal of state -of-the-art equipment aimed at improving the health and fitness of all Whip City residents, athlete and average Joe alike.
Through an exclusive deal with Performance IQ, a fitness software company based out of Chicago, Expert Fitness has implemented PIQ programing into several recently purchased Schwinn AC Sport Performance bicycles, a move which has employees and clients of the club’s spinning classes excited.
“The bikes are a lot smoother and use magnetic resistance rather than brake pads,” said Jim Sabatino, one of seven spinning instructors on the Expert Fitness roster, “(the software) is better to monitor progress and target improvement.”
According to the Performance IQ website, the software is capable of using several display modes, including an individual mode that enables riders to compete against one another based on total energy output, a sprint mode modeled after the individual mode where riders compete for a shorter amount of time, and a heart rate mode which tracks heart rate based on the rider’s maximum heart rate.

Schwinn AC Sport Performance bicycle

Schwinn AC Sport Performance bicycle

These modes are what Dina Lancour, a fitness coordinator at Expert Fitness, believes will take the club to the next level.
“(The improved technology) will be able to bring in non-members and athletes alike,” the Feeding Hills native said, “People training for the Rugged Maniac and triathlons, or people who are just looking to lose weight and improve their health, this software and these machines are for everyone.”
Lancour also cited increased class sizes as evidence that local fitness enthusiasts are receiving this improved technology quite well.
“We’re getting lots of non-members coming in now,” she said, referencing the club’s client-friendly fee-based policy.
Regarding Expert’s exclusive deal with PIQ, Lancour said that this is a sign of the times in the fitness industry.
“Any health club wants to improve their technology,” she said, “15 years ago, if you wanted a spinning bike, you had to get a Schwinn. Now everyone makes them.”
As a testament to Expert’s faith in the new systems, Lancour mentioned her fellow staff members at the club, including Sabatino, as well as Julie and Nabil Hannoush, the club’s owners, praising their enthusiasm over the PIQ/ Schwinn AC combination.
Sabatino, who estimates he gets between 18-20 people participating in each of his classes, believes that the technology “goes beyond the standard spinning class.”
“Anytime you can give people feedback on their heart rate, calories burned, that’s great.” he said, mentioning local athletic squads who are set to conduct some of their off-season training regimens at Expert Fitness.
However, if one is looking for a fitness club catering to strictly the athletes among us, they won’t find such a facility at Expert, as the club is dedicated to all patrons, said Lancour.
“De-conditioned people are able to use these machines and this program for weight loss and just improving their general health, she said, “Even people who are just looking to get a different work out can find it here. For example, a runner who takes a spinning class will notice an incredible difference, for it’s going to use lots of muscles you don’t use when running.”
If recent increases in spinning class enrollment are any indication, Whip City residents will start running in droves to bike at Expert Fitness.

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