
New England governors sign energy pact

AUGUSTA, Maine — The six New England governors have agreed to work together to develop a regional energy strategy aimed at lowering costs and boosting reliability and efficiency.
In the statement signed Thursday, the governors say it’s necessary to invest in things like natural gas pipelines and electric transmission together as the region’s systems have become increasingly interdependent.
The governors say they’re going to develop a regional energy infrastructure initiative to diversify New England’s energy resources and create a multi-state strategy for bringing more affordable, cleaner and reliable power to ratepayers.
Maine Gov. Paul LePage says in a statement that the governors must collectively invest in infrastructure to take advantage of competitively priced natural gas and hydropower throughout the region to make its energy costs more competitive.
“This is an economically and environmentally important collaboration,” said Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. “By expanding opportunities for large-scale hydro, wind and other renewable energy sources, we are putting thousands of our residents to work and creating a healthier region for the next generation.”
“Governor Patrick’s leadership in this clean energy revolution will help end our dependence on foreign fossil fuels, which we spend billions of dollars on to import every year to heat our homes and run our cars,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rick Sullivan. “I look forward to working with my New England counterparts to improve our regional energy supply system, to provide energy that’s cleaner, reliable and more affordable.”
“The Westfield Gas & Electric is fully supportive of the efforts of the New England governors to invest in the energy transportation infrastructure in the region,” said Westfield Gas & Electric General Manager Dan Howard. “This approach was presented by a representative from Secretary Richard Sullivan’s Executive Office of Energy and Environmental and Affairs at the WG&E’s public forum held in September. With abundant natural gas now available, the challenge is providing the necessary delivery systems for these supplies. The New England East West Solutions (NEEWS) electric transmission upgrade coming to completion in the area is a great example of what is needed to spur growth. Investment in a collective strategy will have a domino effect that will certainly result in enhanced economic development for the region.
“It is encouraging that our New England governors are deepening their commitment to work together on energy issues in our region, including ramping up efficiency and coordinating investments in renewable energy,” the Massachusetts Chapter of The Sierra Club said in a statement. “Without a strong commitment to protect our communities from climate disruption and build a prosperous renewable energy economy in our states, we risk an over-reliance on more dirty gas and destructive, large-scale out-of-country hydro.
“Both Massachusetts and Connecticut are guaranteeing affordable, long-term renewable energy sources with contracts for wind and solar that will protect families from rising gas prices while creating jobs in the region. Leveraging similar purchases on a regional level, including harnessing the tremendous potential of offshore wind, could further reduce costs for our families across all our states,” the statement went on.
“It’s time for New England to again be a leader in building a clean energy economy. Hopefully, this cooperative spirit will extend to coordinating on large-scale wind and solar projects that will mean healthier air and a stronger regional economy. We look forward to working with our Governors across New England to build this brighter, healthier future our families,” the statement concluded.

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