Yes a comment on Westfield Mayor Knapik. He lost his complaint there about the signs and all that. Now he should really be… it is up to him to pay the charges for lawyers and that court cots. He’s the one that brought the suit. He should have checked things out a little further with his own law people and they could have said “leave it, Dan. You don’t have a chance, so let’s just forget.” So now it’s up to him to pay it. Thank you. Please be aware that Mayor Knapik is being sued, not suing others.
Voters of Westfield! Don’t forget the primaries for state rep. Get out and vote. Show your candidate your support. Thanks.
I’d like to thank the city of Westfield for once again neglecting the businesses north of Franklin Street. The snow banks were cut back from Franklin Street south and down Main Street for those businesses, while our snow banks are still 2 feet into the road, hampering passengers from getting out of their vehicles safely. Business-friendly? Yeah, thanks again. You should contact either the DPW and/or the Mayor’s office.
To those of you that took the personal time to call me, notify PulseLine, or sent personal notes approving my latest reminiscences about grandmothers: thank you, thank you so much. It is comforting for me to have touched your heart in some way. If the article brought back memories for you, then my work was accomplished. Again, thank you very much. B. Pellan.
Thank you. I was wondering if the DPW could use these freeloaders who live on Free Street, if they could give them shovels to get rid of the ice and snow, which has been packed up for about 3 weeks now at the bus stop where everybody sits in the little plastic bus stop and smoke so they don’t have to go. Everyone is falling on the ice. There’s no reaction from Mary and her PVTA drivers. Please get rid of the ice. Thank you.
Well, I’m watching the Kiwanis auction and it is usual. You can hardly see the people and what they’re auctioning off. I thought they would at least, when they did the building over or whatever, they would take care of the audio on it. The audio isn’t too bad, but it is the video and I don’t know why they’re wasting their time today. Thank you. Yeah, I’m still watching, trying to watch, the Kiwanis auction. Now they’ve been on the air for over an hour and you mean to say they couldn’t have seen how bad it was when they first went on? You know, I’m going to tell you something. I miss the day, because I remember when Adam Liptak and Blair run the show and they did a great job. If they had technicalities, they took care of it right away. I don’t know what is going on with these people but they aren’t doing a very good job and if I was one of the sponsors I’d be a little upset about it because you can’t see half the stuff. Thank you.
Why? I would like to ask why does Westfield send to each and every retiree a copy of their monthly checks. This is a waste of an employee’s time, waste of paper, and waste of stamps. Is this a law that this has to be done? If so, get rid of this law. No wonder Westfield is called Wastefield, Taxachusetts.
I just got disgusted. I was in Nu Corner Variety, 2 kids in front of me, $9.57 worth of candy bars on the welfare benefit card. We all got to come up with ways to stop this kind of stuff. These things should be used better. I’m just disgusted. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent. We all got to come up with a way to fix that and report people on abusing them. That’s all.