
STM to perform ‘Anything Goes’

Meeka Stasko, a St. Mary High School drama club member, sings during a dress rehearsal of Anything Goes. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

Meeka Stasko, a St. Mary High School drama club member, sings during a dress rehearsal of ‘Anything Goes.’ (Photo by Frederick Gore)

WESTFIELD – High school students at St. Mary’s Parish School are set to perform Anything Goes tonight at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium.
The cast and crew have overcome many hurdles throughout the rehearsal period, including several snow days and winter vacation. Despite the challenges, they are enthusiastic about the show they call “fantastic.”
“It has a lot of jokes and great songs and dance routines,” said Keelin Bailey, who portrays one of the angels in the show.
Fellow thespian Andrew Mullin, who stars as Billy, called it a “classic” production.
“And we have so much fun doing it, it’s hard for the audience not to have fun, too,” added Will Armstrong, who portrays Lord Evelyn Oakleigh.
Co-directors Peggy Readon and Rob Lepage said they selected Anything Goes specifically for this group of students.
“I’ve been trying to do Anything Goes for years,” said Lep age. “We never really had the right cast, but we do now. This year we have the right kids for the right parts.”
The Cole Porter musical debuted in 1934 and has been charming audiences ever since that first show on Broadway.
The story concerns madcap antics aboard an ocean liner bound from New York to London. Billy Crocker is a stowaway in love with heiress Hope Harcourt, who is engaged to Lord Evelyn Oakleigh. Nightclub singer Reno Sweeney and Public Enemy #13 Moonface Martin aid Billy in his quest to win Hope. The musical introduced such songs as “Anything Goes,” “You’re the Top,” and “I Get a Kick Out of You.”
Reardon said the plot line is as entertaining today as it was during its first run 80 years ago.
The musical is so popular that this is not the first time St. Mary’s has held a production of Anything Goes. In 1988 it was performed, and to commemorate that performance, the current cast invited members of the cast from 25 years ago to tonight’s show.
“We have a few members of the 1988 cast coming and we will recognize them before the show,” said Lepage.
The stage remains the same as it did 25 years ago and Lepage said there are some challenges with the stage setup.
“It’s small and there are no wings so we have to use small pieces for the set, but we work pretty well with what we have,” he said.
Lucas Jez, who is part of the backstage crew, said the good thing about this production is that he and another crew member are able to be on stage to move sets because they will be dressed as sailors.
Anything Goes takes the stage at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish School in the high school auditorium. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for students and seniors at the door.

Reporter’s note:
I was a member of the 1988 cast and while I am not happy to be reminded it has been 25 years since I was in a high school play, I want to thank the current cast for recognizing us. It is a great show that is sure to conjure a lot of laughs! Editor’s note: and to top it off, today is Hope’s birthday!

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