
PulseLine, March 28, 2014

It is a PulseLine policy that we will not run submissions commenting on any candidate running for office. If you have something to say please submit a signed letter to the editor.

Are there any rules in Westfield about where you have to put a cigarette out? You just can’t throw it on the sidewalk. Are there any rules like that?

Hi! In regard to this burning being extended: the deputy fire chief says, and I quote “We like to see people burning now because the fire won’t travel if there is snow on the ground.” Well, that’s the whole problem. How do you get your branches and brush and all your junk picked up if there is snow on the ground? Maybe he should rethink that statement.

I have reached my limit on cops being allowed to speed whenever on duty or get a “wink wink” when caught by others cops. The usual excuse is they were going on a call, BS so every second they drive they are on a call, please. By the logic that I see because they are cops its a unspoken rule they can speed, so by that if I wear a blue shirt I can go into a store and steal, but every other color shirt can’t. I welcome anyone’s thought’s but I think it’s time to start video and audio recording all cop’s activities and maybe on my time off I shall do that also and send those tapes into local new’s stations to see if any change might come about. Last time I checked no one is above the law. Thank you

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