
PulseLine, December 6, 2014

Please be advised that in observance of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Governor Deval L. Patrick has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to half-staff at all state buildings from sunrise until sunset on Sunday, December 7, 2014 in honor of the those who died in service to our nation at Pearl Harbor. This gubernatorial order applies to: 1. The main or administration building of each public institution of the Commonwealth, e.g. town and city halls. 2. Other state-owned or state-controlled buildings. 3. All state military installations.

Usually every night in the Westfield News it is reported that cars for various reasons have been driven illegally and have been towed by the police dept. to the impound yard. I am curious to know where the impound yard is actually located and do the owners of the impounded car have to pay a fee to have their car kept there and a fee to have it released? Thanks for your help.

I have to laugh at the letter to the editor from the infamous Steven Crooker. Anybody who knows him knows he would automatically be a democrat. Ya see there’s the takers and the makers. Steven is one of the takers. While he was in prison who supported his children we the tax payers. Does he own his own home? Where does he work? Hey last time I checked the bail out of wall street and the auto industry cost the taxpayers money. I’d like to see your last W2. And guess what the recession had 2 other peoples names written all over it not just Bush how about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Rememeber Fanny and Freddie. You are right about 1 thing the unemployment rate has gone down because people have given up looking and are either no longer enrolled or are working 2 part time jobs. How come SSI numbers have increased, lack of good jobs it’s the only way to survive for some who cannot collect anymore. Ya see you are part of the Democrats voter base depending on big government to hold your hand and give you food stamps. Every use those buddy. And your alittle off on you illigel alien numbers try 16 million new Democratic voters looking for there hand out. Affordable Care Act cut it out our premiums increase 40%. Its affordable for those who don’t work and get Medicaid or some other form of assistance. Wake up the war against terrorist is never going to be over. I quess you would rather see it happen here on home soil then over there. I don’t leave my name because who knows what kind of retribution would take place at your hands.

It’s Christmas time and I want to believe. I want to believe we are good people here in Westfield. I saw a box in the local hardware store asking for donations for homeless pets. It was overflowing. I felt so good about us as a town when I saw the outpouring from my neighbors here in Westfield, I felt even better when one of the sales girls said there had been so many donations they had to start storing most of it out back. Now I felt great about us as a town, I turned to my 8 yr old niece who I brought with me (I was babysitting) and said “Isn’t that great.” She looked up at me and said, “Why is the toy box empty?” Then pointed to a box labeled Toys for Tots near the front of the store. I walked over and saw it was empty except for a plastic child size shovel. When I asked the sales girl if they were storing the overflow toys in the back with the overflow pet donations she said “No, what’s there is all that’s been donated for kids.” Then my niece asked a question that felt like she hit me in the gut with a sledgehammer “Why do people like animals better than people?” I didn’t know what to say. So I looked at her and said. “I’m sure people will fill this box up before Christmas.” “What about us?” she fired back “Why don’t we fill it up?” I told her we would go shopping for toys to help those kids but we couldn’t afford to fill it up ourselves. She replied “Why not?” Then I said something stupid “I’m sure Santa will make sure it gets filled.” She replied “Awesome. When are we going shopping to help Santa?” I said “This weekend, but don’t be surprised if we are the only ones who put toys in, because Santa ,being very busy. would probably take awhile to get here from the North Pole.” “Nope.” she said. “I believe Santa will fill this box up before we come back with our toys to give.” “It could happen” I replied ” but it might not, he is very very busy.” “Nope. He will. I believe.” she replied. So I am now asking. If you are out there Santa can you help fill up the Toys for Tots box at the Hardware store? It’s Christmas time and I want to believe.

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