
Legion’s Americanism programs supported

Theroux Sullivan
WESTFIELD – American Legion Post 124 is happy to announce that former State Senator Michael R. Knapik, State Senator Don Humason, State Representative John Velis and Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan have contributed to be sponsors and providing opportunities for local youth later this year to attend programs on Government and Law Enforcement.
Knapik, of Westfield State Foundation’s WSKB 89.5FM, donated $ 325 to sponsor a local citizen (high school junior) to attend Boys State during June 11-17 at Stonehill College in North Easton, Massachusetts. He attended the Massachusetts Boys State program as a high school junior in 1980 was sponsored by Post 124. If you were to ask him about Boys State, he’ll tell you that attending Boys State had a definite impact on him in choosing to run for office. He returned to Boys States in 1983 and 1984 as a counselor and was often a speaker during the 1990s and 2000s as a Legislator Guest. He said that Boys and Girls State are great programs and would encourage high school juniors who are interested in Government to apply at their high school guidance office.
Humason p, who represents the 2nd Hampden and Hampshire District, is also a strong advocate of the Massachusetts Boys and Girls State programs conducted by the Department of Massachusetts American Legion (Boys State) and American Legion Auxiliary (Girls State). Humason will be sponsoring a citizen to attend Boys State in June.
“The skills and experience that young people can obtain through the Boys and Girls State Programs can be foundational for successful careers in government and civic leadership. I am happy to sponsor a young citizen’s participation in this year’s program,” said Humason.
Velis was introduced to the Boys State program when he attended the 2015 Boys State orientation and has been an advocate and supporter of the Boys/Girls state program ever since. In fact, Representative Velis will be a guest instructor at this year’s Boys/Girls State program.
Sullivan, an alumni of American Legion Post 124 baseball, will be sponsoring a local youth to attend the Student Trooper program held in July. The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. sponsors a “Student Trooper Program” in cooperation with the Massachusetts State Police Academy every year. The objective of the Massachusetts Student Trooper program is to recruit youths representing all communities and cultural backgrounds and to increase their understanding of the job of police officers. The program is designed to expose young adults to the demands of police training and to develop better relationships between the youth of our communities and the police that serve them. The Student Trooper program is an intensive, one week, residential learning experience for young adults, ages 15 thru 17. The program is held at the Massachusetts State Police Academy in New Braintree. Mayor Sullivan’s father, Richard “Dick” K. Sullivan, Sr., attended the Massachusetts Boys State Program in 1952, ran for governor and was elected governor which provided him an invitation to attend Boys Nation which he did attend later that summer in our nation’s capital. The elder Sullivan is also an alumni of American Legion baseball and he played for Northampton Post 28.
Later this summer, there will be an American Legion Post 124 youth alumni night to be held at a Post 124 baseball home game at Bullens Field tentatively scheduled for June 29. A ceremony will be held prior to the baseball game honoring youth alumni from Post 124 Boys State, Girls State, Student Trooper and Post 124 baseball. There are many notable alumni from the hundreds of youth who participated in American Legion Post 124 Youth and Americanism programs. Additional information will be published on the Post 124 website (www.post124.org)
The following links provide additional information on the Massachusetts Boys & Girls State and Student Trooper programs:
Boys State: http://maboysstate.org/
Girls State: http://massgirlsstate.org/
Student Trooper: http://www.mass.gov/eopss/funding-and-training/law-enforce/msp-acad/student-trooper/

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