
Animal facility up and running

Robert and Barbara Polverari, of Southwick, stand in front of the new Polverari / Southwick Animal Control Facility. The couple donated the $300,000 structure to the Town of Southwick earlier this year. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

Robert and Barbara Polverari, of Southwick, stand in front of the new Polverari / Southwick Animal Control Facility. The couple donated the $300,000 structure to the Town of Southwick earlier this year. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

SOUTHWICK – It’s been just over a month since the opening of the Polverari-Southwick Animal Control Facility, and the place has already gone to the dogs. And, the cats.
Animal Control Officer Tracy Root said within three days of the Oct. 21 opening, she had 30 cats – mostly strays – awaiting adoption.
“It’s been very busy,” said Root. “The whole ‘If you build it they will come’ is so true.”
Root said she currently has one dog, an older beagle, ready for adoption in addition to numerous cats. Although a very successful fundraiser was held at Roma Restaurant last month to stock the facility with supplies, Root is in need of cat littler and paper towels because of the high volume of cats at the shelter.
“I was so surprised at how many people came to that event,” she said of the fundraising dinner. “We have a lot of support.”
Root said she hopes to find loving homes for all the animals at the facility, but she discourages bringing home a pet as a Christmas gift on the holiday.
“If you want to give a pet at the holidays, you should bring it to the home before Christmas,” she said. “The holidays are a stressful, busy time and it’s stressful to bring a new pet into a house on a holiday, especially one that needs training.”
Root suggested instead that a pet carrier, crate, and supplies be given as a gift with a note letting the recipient know they can choose a pet after the holidays.
The Polverari-Southwick Animal Control Facility was built by residents Bob and Barbara Polverari. The animal-loving philanthropists donated the facility to the town after seeing the need for a larger facility. The new building includes an area for adoption, a lobby, office, laundry, storage, feline room and separate kennels. There is also an outdoor area for both dogs and cats.
The facility is open from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday-Friday, and by appointment on weekends. The facility is located on Depot Street behind the Southwick Police Department.

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