Westfield District Court
Thursday, Aug, 23, 2012
Carolyn Okraska, 30, of 69 Hadley Village Road, South Hadley, was ordered to comply with her rehabilitation program and placed on pretrial probation for one year after she was arraigned on a charge of larceny of a drug brought by State Police.
Friday, Aug. 24, 2012
Michael J. Keier, 40, of 168 Huntington Road, Russell, saw a charge of violation of a protective order brought by Westfield police dismissed due to insufficient evidence.
Ian R. Fecteau, 18, of 20 Reed St., was placed on pretrial probation for one year after he was arraigned on a charge of leaving the scene of property damage accident brought by Westfield police.
Tiffany Sanchez, 24, of 10 King Ave., admitted to facts sufficient to warrant a guilty finding for a charge of permitting operation of a motor vehicle by a person with a suspended license brought by Westfield police and the charge was continued without a finding and dismissed upon payment of fees and assessments totaling $100. She was found responsible for a charge of failure to inspect a motor vehicle.
Heather Rapisarda, 29, of 146 Main St., Russell, admitted to facts sufficient to warrant a guilty finding for a charge of operating of a motor vehicle with suspended registration brought by State Police and the charge was continued without a finding and dismissed upon payment of fees and assessments totaling $100. She was found responsible for a charge of operating a motor vehicle without a valid inspection sticker and was assessed $50.
Ryan Putnam, 21, of 986 Russell Road, admitted to facts sufficient to warrant a guilty finding for a charge of unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle brought by Westfield police and the charge was continued without a finding and dismissed upon payment of fees and assessments totaling $100. He was found responsible for a charge of operating an unregistered motor vehicle and was assessed $100.
Tina M. Beckett, 46, of 37 Woodmont St., West Springfield, was released on her personal recognizance pending a Nov. 14 hearing after she was arraigned on charges of operating under the influence of liquor, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and operating the wrong way on a state highway brought by Westfield police.
Philip J. Constantino, 49, of 229 Miller St., Ludlow, was sentenced to a nine month term in the house of correction with credit for time served sine July 5, 2012 after he was convicted of a charge of larceny of property valued more than $250 brought by Westfield police. The term will be served concurrently with a term imposed for a separate offense.