
Better Cooperation between Educators and Businesses

by Norman Halls, contributor

The overall goal of any educational program is to produce a competent education experience. The overall goal of any business, either retail or manufacturing, is competent results or they are out of business. Public educational programs are paid with tax dollars. The tax dollars are paid by the local/state citizens, property and businesses. If the businesses are not receiving educated persons to perform the required outcome, that business may shut down or move to another location.

Students at any level must receive practical experience gained from the classroom and performing the work with professionals. There is a problem Houston: first, in a classroom are the students understanding how the topic they are learning can be applied to practical experience? Second, does the educator teaching the subject give practical examples? We know that Federal/State regulations require testing. This is a given, but the tests are not practical for today’s application. We know who develops these test and they have minimum experience outside of education. Most educators have not had practical experience in the business world.

Local school systems have Teachers Workshop throughout the year. With the assistance of the local Chamber of Commerce they should devote a Workshop for local business to discuss their needs. This would be for elementary, middle and high school teachers. The purpose of the Workshop is to provide the technology and knowledge needed to succeed in the workplace. The workshop would close the gap between the educators and business. Educators will learn the math and literacy needs, close the gap in instructional practices and increase motivation. Educators would be able to request and receive mockups and literature with practical application.

We all know that school systems are having a funding problem. Today, there are a number of schools receiving donations. There is a very practical method to receiving funds. In many states, the local school systems are not able to receive funds. But, they can through an organization like the PTA or an education foundation. School systems are not able to lease equipment for various classrooms or technical shops. If a school is able to do this through an educational foundation, in a few years the school would update equipment.

“A business–education partnership is ongoing involvement between schools and business-industry, unions, governments and community organizations. These partnerships are established by mutual agreement between two or more parties to establish certain goals, and to construct a plan of action for achievement of those goals. Business-education partnerships may involve entire school boards educators and students.” Northeast Industry Education Alliance.

“Businesses have a vested interest in their communities. They need a strong pool of local workers to choose from and consumers who can afford their products. Many businesses want to give to the community and invest in it, but sometimes they aren’t sure where to start. Schools can also benefit from these partnerships, providing students with opportunities for success in the workforce.”  Heather Singmaster.

Technology will play a higher role in all grades of education. We can Reform Education that will please some, but will outcome be beneficial to all those concerned? The world is changing, smaller and bigger at the same time. There will be advancement in all areas of the world in education, technology and livelihood. We don’t need new laws to Reform Education; we need better cooperation between educators and businesses.

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