
Board of Health addressing issue with irrigation wells

SOUTHWICK – Although the outdoor water restriction for the town of Southwick has been lifted, the impact of it led to an interesting discussion at the last Board of Health meeting.

During the restriction, Department of Public Works employees would check residences throughout the community to make sure they weren’t using their outdoor water at the wrong time.

According to Board of Health Inspector Tom Fitzgerald, DPW workers found at least five irrigation wells that may not have a Well Completion Report.

The Well Completion Report is issued by the Mass DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) and concerns the well driller who drilled the well at that particular home. Having the report would mean that the well driller would be licensed by the state.

Board of Health Inspector Tom Fitzgerald

Board of Health Inspector Tom Fitzgerald

Every homeowner that has an irrigation well or drinking water well, needs to have the report.

“Wells that don’t have a Well Completion Report could potentially pose a risk,” said Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald and the rest of the board determined that they would send out letters to the residences who may not have the Well Completion Report. Fitzgerald said they plan on mailing out the letters within the week.

If the homeowner does have the report or the well driller gets a report from the state, the Board of Health would also receive a copy of the report.

As the irrigation wells run through the Great Brook Aquifer, Fitzgerald said he hopes to have the problem cleared up so the aquifer can be properly protected.

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