
Board of Health discusses plan with Superintendent of Schools

SOUTHWICK – The Board of Health continued to discuss their POD (Point of Distribution) plan at Thursday night’s meeting.

Board of Health Director Tom FitzGerald gave an update to the rest of the board, regarding his latest meeting with Superintendent of the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District, Jen Willard.

The meeting was about the possibility that the Powder Mill School would be the public point of distribution in case there ever was a national emergency like an anthrax scare.

According to FitzGerald, along with the school district’s Business Manager, Stephen Presnal, Willard suggested that the location could be at the Southwick Regional High School.

Health Director Tom FitzGerald met with Superintendent Jen Willard to discuss his point of distribution plan. (WNG File Photo)

Health Director Tom FitzGerald met with Superintendent Jen Willard to discuss his point of distribution plan. (WNG File Photo)

Discussions about the location will continue as Willard will be talking with the school committee about the point of distribution.

It was important for FitzGerald to inform Willard about the updated point of distribution plan since the last one the school committee saw, was when Dr. John Barry was superintendent.

“It made sense to reacquaint the Superintendent with what our plans were,” said FitzGerald.

FitzGerald also mentioned that the location would need to be one that the town can count on.

The Board of Health and members of the school district will be doing a walk-through of the regional high school in the near future.

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