The Westfield News
Not sure if this has been addressed but why is there a hazardous waste drop off place on Main St. 30 feet...
How do we convince Dave Flaherty to run for Selectman in Southwick? And for the guy on Prospect Hill, if your definition...
Hi. I’m throwing this out to the PulseLine or someone who knows something about heating. Do we really save any money by...
Yeah Hi PulseLine. I doubt if you PulseLine have got the spine to put this in the paper, but living in the...
Pulse Line: First, Congratulations and Bravo to the City Council members who are taking a firm stand against the Mayor’s request to...
Please be advised that in observance of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Governor Deval L. Patrick has ordered that the United States...
DEAR AIR NATIONAL GUARD…I love you guys I really do..but can we arrive at a compromise…such as half of the takeoff’s go...
I would love to know if Westfield has a long range plan to keep the roads paved. Granville Road near the filter...
This is for the Westfield High School Band. Your performance at the Veteran’s Day Parade was magnificent. You truly are wonderful.
I was listening to your radio show when city clerk Fanion said you need to have a permit to sell a vehicle...
I attended the video “Tapped” at the Westfield Athenaeum on Oct. 28th that was mentioned in an article in the Pulseline on...
Does anyone in city employment pay attention to the work contractors do? Workers are now painting the traffic lines on the streets...