The Westfield News
I own a small business in Westfield. I am responding to the three Letters to the Editor about the BID and the...
Please be advised that Governor Deval L. Patrick has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to...
I think I remember reading, or hearing about a missing parakeet sometime this past winter, maybe not. But, with the warm weather...
Hi! It’s Tuesday and I just want to make a comment. I see that East Silver Street, on which our mayor lives...
Yes, I see where the college students are still causing problems downtown. Why does the city still allow these builders, whatever, like...
Please be advised that Governor Deval L. Patrick has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to...
Hi! I read the article in the Westfield paper about extending the burning time and, as usual, these people get into changing...
It is a PulseLine policy that we will not run submissions commenting on any candidate running for office. If you have something...
Who ever suggested we use Voc School student help when constructing parts of the new Senior Center might want to take a...
Hi! I’m calling the PulseLine just to get an idea out, and I known it is not up to the PulseLine to...
It is PulseLine policy that we do not print submissions that are positive or negative to any local business. Hi I’m calling...
Well, it’s certainly informative that the mayor has five-year plans for the important downtown streets. However, the rest of us need decent...