
Chief Camerota’s Corner



The Holiday Season is quickly approaching; it is a very special time of the year when family and friends get together. There will be many gatherings where alcohol will be present and you will need to make responsible decisions. Don’t drink and drive, have a sober friend or family member or even a local taxi service make sure that you get home safely.
The Holiday Season is also that time of the year in the Northeast where we see the weather begin t o change and we have to deal with snow and ice covered roadways. It is our responsibility to make sure that we take extra precautions (allow extra travel time, good tires and windshield wipers, slower speeds, more stopping distance) and operate our vehicles in a manner that is reasonable and proper for the existing road conditions.
We must always remember that our entire system of traffic lights, traffic signs and road markings is dependent upon public trust. When motorists ignore the “rules of the road”; failing to stop for a red traffic light or stop sign, operating over the speed limit, operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that is when we begin to experience property damage accidents, personal injury accidents and in far too many cases loss of life.
In 1959 Westfield Police Chief (deceased) Malcolm Donald in a message to the community stated “The task of making our streets and highways safer is one for an evangelist rather than an expert or technician. We must find a way to convince the general public that practicing the “RULES OF SAFETY” is an indispensable element of being a good citizen.”
What was true 59 years ago still holds true today. Be a responsible citizen, be smart and stay safe.
From the Officers of the Westfield Police Department, have a very merry and safe Holiday Season.
John A. Camerota
Chief of Police

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