
Collins named St. Mary’s dean of students

WESTFIELD – St. Mary School’s Dean of Students Lynn Collins may be new to the position, but she is no stranger to the parish, or teaching.
Three of Collins’ four children attend St. Mary’s and her husband Matthew is a coach and an alum. What has drawn the family to the schools for decades is the atmosphere.
“It just feels like family here,” said Collins.
Collins has 14 years teaching experience in Westfield Public Schools where she was a special education teacher. When her youngest son, who attends St. Mary Preschool, was born, Collins took some time off from work to spend with him when he developed severe food allergies.
When her son’s doctor gave him the green light that he had outgrown all of his allergies and he was ready for preschool, Collins was ready to return to work.
“I always wanted to teach at St. Mary’s,” she said. “I applied for a social studies and specialist position and during the interview, it was suggested I apply for the dean position.”
Collins took that advice and it paid off when she was offered the job in late August.
“Everything just fell into place,” she said.
The parish schools have changed a lot over the past three years, including switching from principals to deans. There are currently four deans who work closely together.
One thing Collins hopes to evolve is the middle school program. Grades kindergarten through eight are housed in one building, while grades 9-12 are located in the high school, and the preschool program is in another building. Collins said the middle school students sometimes feel lost because they are in the elementary school building, but they are far beyond elementary school.
“They don’t feel like they are middle school students, but they have started going to some classes at the high school,” Collins said. “I’d like to see more of an identity for the middle school.”
The East Brookfield native graduated from Westfield State in 1997 with degrees in special education and psychology. While in school, she met her husband and stayed in Westfield. Collins continued her education at Westfield State where she earned her Masters in Special Education. This spring she will continue her education with a certificate in Catholic School Administration.
Collins said St. Mary’s does not offer a formal special education program but a teacher was hired for the position Collins originally interviewed for and she serves as the elementary and middle school specialist.
“She is earning a degree in special education and she works primarily with third, fourth and fifth grade, but she is available to all students,” said Collins.
Collins said much of her days are spent doing her favorite thing – visiting classrooms.
“I really love seeing the kids and working with students and teachers,” she said, noting she can hear the kindergarten right next to her office and loves listening to young voices learning the alphabet.
“I love the kids, and the parents, too,” she said.
For more information on Collins and the St. Mary Parish Schools, visit www.stmsaints.org.

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