
Community Development Block Grant money available

WESTFIELD – On December 28, 2015, the City of Westfield Office of Community Development released the FFY 2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) proposal applications for funding of activities in the City of Westfield to benefit low and moderate income persons or low and moderate income areas in the City. Eligible activity categories include Public Services, Public Facilities, Housing, Public Infrastructure, and Economic Development.
The Office of Community Development will also accept proposals from qualified applicants to undertake affordable housing activities under the 2016 HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program on a rolling basis throughout the program year. The HOME Program was established by the federal government through the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. The goals of the HOME Program are to increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary affordable housing, including housing for the physically challenged, to promote the development of public/private partnerships, empower not-for-profit housing organizations and leverage HOME funds with nonfederal funds or resources.
Agencies and organizations seeking CDBG or HOME funding for activities must call or email the Office of Community Development to request instructions and an application.
Peter J. Miller, Director
[email protected]
(413) 572-6246
All CDBG applications are due by Friday, March 4, 2016 at 4:00 pm. HOME applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the program year.
Two public meetings will be held in January to explain the application process, eligible activities, HUD national objectives, and the City’s priorities as guided by the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan.
Direct assistance to individuals or families is not provided.
FFY 2016 funding will be for activities undertaken from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The City of Westfield CDBG and HOME Allocations have not yet been determined by HUD, but the City anticipates a CDBG allocation of $320,000 and a HOME allocation of $100,000.

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