
Councilor Callahan: Ward 3 update


We have been reminded that we live in New England this past week in a big way! Since the bad October 2011 snowstorm we have had a relative cake walk through the winter months until Friday February 8 and storm Nemo. The city of Westfield faced a huge challenge and massive storm clean-up with professionalism and hard work and once again we’ve made it through to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was amazing that we did not lose power and were able to go online to access updates from the Westfield Gas and Electric Department and Mayor Knapik – encouraging knowing the mayor was out assessing the roads immediately and checking out areas he had received complaints about. For the most part residents were very patient and understanding when faced with plowing delays – I think any of us who were out shoveling or snow blowing our own driveways and walkways had empathy and respect for the DPW employees and subcontractors who had to clear 200 miles of city streets and countless school and city properties and sidewalks for four straight days. As a property manager I experienced first hand the challenges that the snow removal vendors encountered throughout the storm – everything from being unable to plow lots because of cars not being moved to having to haul truckloads of snow from the sites for lack of space to continue piling. And they DO have to sleep sometimes!
On Saturday, January 26, I attended the Amelia Park Children’s Museum Penguin Plunge for the first time at Hampton Ponds State Park. What a fun time that was and what a bunch of brave (crazy?) participants – I think the air temperature was 20 degrees and the water 40 degrees, I froze standing there in three layers. Diana McLean and all of the organizers did a fantastic job, the Westfield Fire and Police Departments were outstanding and it was just an all around festive atmosphere and great fundraiser – kudos to all involved and what a great crowd of onlookers, as well.
There is a lot of ongoing Council business to attend to and always much to learn. I look forward to working with Council President Sullivan in 2013 and think he has some great ideas for change and generates very positive energy. I’ve seen good, proactive decisions made and steps taken in several subcommittees already this year and plan on doing the same in the Governmental Relations Committee. I have some specific requests from Ward 3 residents that are in the works but will now be on temporary hold until snow banks have melted a bit – don’t think I’ve forgotten you. I receive occasional inquiries about the Western Avenue Improvements project and Gas Light District project and City Engineer Mark Cressotti has been terrific in answering my questions in a timely manner.
Never hesitate to call and ask questions or go on the city of Westfield web site www.cityofwestfield.org to research and review projects on your own.
Here’s hoping for an early spring!

Ward 3 City Councilor Ann Callahan

Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not the staff, editor, or publisher of the Westfield News.

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