
Councilor O’Connell: Ward 4 update

Our city was shocked this past week with the devastating news of the tragic death of Kevin Regan, the most senior firefighter on the Westfield Fire Department force. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Kevin’s family, the Westfield Fire Department, Lynda Cavanaugh and the entire City of Westfield. When something as incomprehensible as this occurs we are left to contemplate all life and loss and feel frustrated by the inexplicable things that happen. I have no answers and hope that Kevin’s family and friends receive all of the support that they need and deserve. Lynda is just a wonderfully sincere woman and we wish her strength in the days ahead.
Currently, there is a proposed 11-lot subdivision proposed on Northwest Road with access directly across from Old Quarry Road. The main conservation hurdle that must be faced by the proponent of the project is a wetlands replication on the site. A public hearing was held on the matter before the Conservation Commission in December. The Commission has kept the public hearing open while they review the material in front of them and make a site visit to the property. Abutting neighbors and area residents are concerned that they will have flooding issues on their property if the project goes forward. The next meetings of the Conservation Commission and the continuation of the public hearings are set for January 13 and January 27, 2015. Please check the agenda online at CityofWestfield.org. The proponents will also appear before the Planning Board at the January 20 meeting for a special Permit request and review.
The Traffic Commission next meets on Wednesday, January 21. I have requested a few items be placed on the Commission’s agenda for discussion including the feasibility of making the City View Road and City View Blvd intersection a four-way stop. Also on the agenda is a discussion of the safety concerns of the double yellow line along Honey Pot Road and the need to remove these lines.
The proposed new elementary school project has not cleared all of the legal hurdles at present. There are many official steps still needed before any next stage is reached. Just a few issues are: The recent decision to lift the injunction against the project is in the appeals court AND a motion has been filed in the Massachusetts Supreme Court for a ruling on the Article 97 matter. There are some open details with the MSBA in conjunction with WSU and the termination of the JP lease. If the legal decisions do not go the way the opposing neighbors are hoping they will go, they have in the wings several more issues for the court to weigh in on. In addition, I don’t feel that with the experience of the most recent contractor there are not many contractors who would be willing to bid on this proposed project. (Unless they built in a significant dollar cushion in their bid). This is just my opinion but again, I think this is a far distance from being a “done deal”.
The new single-stream pickup starts this upcoming week. Residents should have received their new containers to be used for regular trash while the older current receptacles are to be used for the single-stream recyclable items with instructions on just what items may be placed in them. For questions you may contact the Health Department at (413) 572-6210 or Public Works at (413) 572-6226.
Westfield received the news on January 1 that the Mayor would not seek re-election this fall. We do not yet know if he will complete his term. Mike Roeder, a newcomer to politics who lost the last mayoral race by a very slim margin, to an entrenched incumbent machine, has announced that he will again seek the office of mayor to serve the citizens of Westfield.
City Council will hold its next meeting this upcoming Monday, January 5. The agenda is short but the election of President of the Council is on the docket. Due to the special circumstances of the possibility of the Mayor’s departure prior to the completion of his term and the unfair advantage it might give any potential candidate, I feel that anyone running for Council President should commit to not running for Mayor, similar to what Governor Patrick did when he asked Mo Cowen to fill in for Senator Kerry.
Best wishes for the happiest and healthiest New Year to all.
Mary O’Connell
Ward Four City Council

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not the staff, editor, or publisher of this publication.

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