
Customers can “pay it forward” with a Christmas Tree at Kelly’s Home & Garden

Stacey and Brian Kelly of Kelly’s Home & Garden at their Giving Board. (Photo submitted)

WESTFIELD –Brian Kelly, owner of Kelly’s Home & Garden with his wife Stacey, was reading one of the Westfield Facebook pages this week, when he saw a comment from a woman who said that she really wanted to donate a Christmas tree to a family this year, and wondered how she might be able to do it.
Brian Kelly thought it was a great idea, and sent the woman a message, saying that he would be happy to help her donate a tree.
Stacey Kelly said she had heard about programs like this, where people pay for other customers in line at a coffee shop. She looked it up, and learned that sometimes the program is called a “Suspended Coffee.” The Kellys decided right away that they would start a “Suspended Christmas Tree” program at their shop this year.
They made a “Give a Tree, Take a Tree” board in the shop, made up a flyer, and put a sign out front. Friday was the first day, and by noon, two trees had already been sold and posted on the Giving board. Normally, Kelly’s Home & Garden sells Christmas trees for $34.99, but Suspended Christmas trees cost $29.99.
Stacey said they aren’t looking to embarrass anyone. “If you are a family that needs a helping hand this year, come on down and check the Giving Board to see if there are any available. If there are, please take the gift card and we will trim and load it for you,” Stacey Kelly said.
Kelly’s Home & Garden is located at 81 Springfield Road, at the former Westfield Home and Garden site. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
One minute after putting the sign out front on Friday morning, Stacey said a woman came over and asked what they were doing. Stacey said the woman thought it was a great idea, and wanted to purchase one. After speaking with her a while longer, she learned that the woman was unemployed, but wanted to “pay it forward” anyway. “It brought tears to my eyes,” Stacey Kelly said.

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