By State Senator Don Humason
Thank you to the Westfield News for allowing me to write a guest column this week. I used to write one every week for the Saturday edition of the paper when I was Westfield’s State Representative but since becoming a state senator in 2013 I find I don’t have the time each week that I used to have to write a column. I now have the honor, privilege, and responsibility to represent Westfield and 10 other communities including Agawam, Southwick, Granville, Tolland, Russell, Montgomery, Easthampton, Southampton, Holyoke and Chicopee.
I find I’m in Boston more than I had to be when I was in the House of Representatives. I spend a lot of time attending meetings and events in the communities I serve. And, of course, as a member of the Minority Party in the Senate I serve on many different joint and standing legislative committees including Senate Ways & Means, Senate Rules, Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets, Public Service, Transportation, Veterans and Federal Affairs, Intergovernmental Affairs, and Children, Families, & Persons with Disabilities.
So, we are now into the busiest season on Beacon Hill with formal sessions, public committee hearings, budget debate, and more. The House and Senate have a great deal to do before we break for summer recess on July 31.
Speaking of budget debate, the Senate is debating our version of the Fiscal Year 2018 state budget released last week by the Senate Ways and Means Committee. The House concluded its debate in April. Now it’s the Senate’s turn to debate the more than 1,000 amendments filed by the 38 senators (there are typically 40 state senators but there are 2 vacancies right now). Thank you to all of you who contacted my office about budget line items or amendments.
On Tuesday, senators spent about 12 hours in the Senate chamber slogging through hundreds of amendments with bill sponsors and co-sponsors rising to explain to the public, the press, and the other legislators what each amendment would do if passed. As the Assistant Minority Leader part of my job on the floor is to ask sponsors to speak on their amendments.
You may have heard that the Commonwealth is experiencing a budget shortfall as the end of the current fiscal year, June 30, approaches. Revenue estimates made about a year ago proved to be too optimistic and we are currently below projected revenue estimates by nearly $460 million. The Senate President and Senate Ways and Means Committee Chairwoman have expressed hope that May revenue numbers will come in back on track but even if they do the state is likely to conclude the fiscal year with a budget deficit.
That makes the Senate budget debate all the more difficult because we are basing our revenue projections on anticipated growth of nearly 4% for the next fiscal year and, so far, that appears to be overly optimistic. We have 2 more days of debate in front of us and we are fully expecting that a Committee of Conference will be named to negotiate the difference between the final House version and the final Senate version. That Conference Committee will likely need to make real, substantive cuts to the final budget report to bring expenditures in line with projected receipts. It’s not unlike what most people do around their kitchen table when they look at their household budgets and compare them to what their take-home pay is.
After Representatives and Senators take their final budget votes later in June, the final budget goes to Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. Their cabinet officials and Administration and Finance staff will go over the budget and come back with a list of recommended changes and vetoes. Legislators will have a chance to override any vetoes but each time we do it will add to the bottom line of the budget. So the process continues. Stay tuned!
I would like to say congratulations to the Westfield State College Class of 2017 on their Commencement last Saturday. And I want to wish a happy 100th birthday to Mrs. Anne Zielinski whom Representative John Velis and I had the pleasure to meet and present congratulatory citations from the Senate and House to last Sunday.
Please feel free to reach out to me if I may ever be of service to you. Have a great week.
Thank you.
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not the staff, editor, or publisher of this publication.
Senator Don Humason, his Chief of Staff Drew Renfro, and his Legislative Aides Nico Helems and John Moriarty may be reached at their Westfield District Office, 64 Noble Street, Westfield, MA 01085, (413) 568-1366.
Senator Don Humason, his Legislative Director JB Buchanan, and his Communication Director Chris Power may be reached at their Boston office, State House Room 213A, Boston, MA 02133,
(617) 722-1415.