SOUTHWICK – Although the Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation has changed its name to Dollars For Scholars, the mission of providing money for education remains the same.
On May 20, Southwick Dollars For Scholars awarded $31,500 through 68 scholarships to Southwick residents, the most money awarded in recent history.
“I don’t remember the last time we had that much money,” said Dollars For Scholars volunteer Ken Haar.
Dollars For Scholars President Debbie Patryn said the group changed its name to be more in line with the national program. The name change allows the local group to access a larger pool of scholarships.
“We get national Dollars For Scholars recognition, posts on their website, and we’re open to more funds,” said Patryn.
People typically think of scholarship awards as something for high school seniors but Patryn said post-grads are also eligible for many scholarships.
“In fact, students can get scholarships all four years of college if they apply,” said Haar.
Scholarships average $500 each. Two $1,500 awards were given in Southwick this year. Patryn said the checks are written to the student’s college and put toward their tuition or expenses.
Dollars For Scholars has more than 500 locally based, volunteer-driven affiliates serving students in thousands of communities across the country. With a national network of support behind them, Dollars for Scholars affiliates help hometown students achieve their educational goals by raising scholarship funds, establishing endowments, providing assistance with college readiness and the financial aid process, and distributing scholarships each year.
Scholarships awarded in Southwick this week included those named for residents and area businesses. Many were presented by family members of the person named in memorial scholarships.
Dollars For Scholars also has a Collegiate Partners program that involves nearly 450 colleges, universities and technical schools to help maximize the impact of financial aid fromthe organization. Many even have matching-fund agreements, and all are committed to helping students get the most out of their Dollars for Scholars scholarships.
On Tuesday night, Westfield High School held their 52nd Annual Scholarship Awards Night at the Westfield South Middle School. The organization presented 136 scholarships for a total of $119,300 during that night’s ceremony.