Around Town

Eagle Project helps Westfield Fairgrounds

Scouts staining bleacher seats at the fairgrounds.  (Photo submitted)

Scouts staining bleacher seats at the fairgrounds. (Photo submitted)

WESTFIELD – Over the weekend, the Boy Scouts of Troop 821, out of the Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish, completed a community service project to help The Westfield Fairgrounds. Led by Eagle Scout candidate Daniel O’Connor, the boys painted the fences that surround the display areas and stained the bleachers for the viewing audience. The Westfield Fairgrounds staff was very appreciative of the help from the Boy Scouts as the facility was in need of a little “TLC” The sprucing up of the fences and bleachers came just in time as the Westfield Fair is scheduled to open in two weeks!

Daniel O’Connor, foreground, leads his morning crew in community service. (Photo submitted)

Daniel O’Connor, foreground, leads his morning crew in community service. (Photo submitted)

Daniel O’Connor, foreground, leads a work-party sprucing up the fences at the Westfield Fairgrounds.  (Photo submitted)

Daniel O’Connor, foreground, leads a work-party sprucing up the fences at the Westfield Fairgrounds. (Photo submitted)

Daniel O’Connor, foreground, leads his afternoon crew in community service. (Photo submitted)

Daniel O’Connor, foreground, leads his afternoon crew in community service. (Photo submitted)

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