
Granville Police set to make good gesture for the holidays

Granville Police Lieutenant Rick Rindels stands with Mrs. Murphy's employee Dane Markowski. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick)

Granville Police Lieutenant Rick Rindels stands with Mrs. Murphy’s employee Dane Markowski. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick)

GRANVILLE – The Granville Police Department is making an effort to be in the giving spirit during the holidays.

If riding through Granville and a vehicle is stopped by a police officer for a routine traffic stop like a light being out, the driver will be receiving a $10 gift certificate instead of a fine. Gift certificates will not be handed out to a vehicle that has been speeding.

The gift certificate will come from Mrs. Murphy’s Donuts in Southwick.

“I thought a good-will gesture during the holidays might perk a few people up and put a smile on their face,” said Granville Police Lieutenant Rick Rindels.

When first thinking of the idea, Rindels and the rest of the police department began looking at local businesses that may want to assist in this effort.

After Mrs. Murphy’s agreed to give out gift certificates, Granville Police decided the gesture could be a positive for the community.

“We’re probably going to have some fun with it,” said Rindels.

The good gesture started on Dec. 9 and will last up until Christmas.

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