Westfield Newsroom

Healey proposes new tool in fighting opioid abuse epidemic

STEVE LeBLANC, Associated Press
BOSTON (AP) — Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has proposed legislation that would make trafficking in a powerful narcotic often added to heroin a crime in an effort to fight the state’s opioid abuse epidemic.
Law enforcement officials say fentanyl — an opioid more powerful than heroin — is often added to heroin and contributes to the number of overdose deaths in the state.
Healey’s proposal announced Monday would create the new crime of trafficking in fentanyl for amounts greater than 10 grams. The bill would make those convicted of the crime face a punishment of up to 20 years in state prison.
Healey said the state must balance offering treatment to those addicted to opioids with a tough approach to those trafficking in the substances for profit. Healey said drug cartels have begun manufacturing the synthetic drug fentanyl, both using it to spike heroin and selling it as a stand-alone drug.
Healey said in many instances heroin addicts are unaware that they drug they are using has been spiked with fentanyl.
“It’s killing people. It’s hurting people,” Healey told reporters at a press conference in her office Monday. “We need to do everything we can to get fentanyl off our streets.”
State police officials say they’ve seen a dramatic spike in what they described as fentanyl-involved cases, from just five in 2013, to 170 last year and 473 so far this year.
In June, Healey’s office charged two individuals allegedly involved in a fentanyl and heroin packaging and distribution operation involving more than $1 million worth of drugs, including almost one kilogram of fentanyl.
The increase in fentanyl-spiked heroin also comes at a time when the number of opioid overdose deaths has risen dramatically in the state.
State health officials say an estimated 1,256 people died from opioid-related overdoses in 2014, compared to an estimated 939 deaths in 2013 and 668 confirmed overdoses deaths in 2012.
Cathy Fennelly, whose son Paul died six months ago at age 21 from an overdose of heroin laced with fentanyl, held up his death certificate to reporters Monday.
She said her son started at age 13 with marijuana before moving onto alcohol, prescription pills, then OxyContin. When that became too expensive, she said, he downgraded to heroin — but was unaware he was using heroin laced with fentanyl.
“I watched my son Paul suffer for eight long years,” she said. “It is not something that somebody chooses. Yes, an addict has to choose it at first but after the first time, it practically takes ahold of you and turns you into a complete person that you would never expect yourself to be.”
The bill has the backing of Milford Democratic state Rep. John Fernandes, the House chairman of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on the Judiciary, and many other legislators from both parties.

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